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Watch Tower - Imagination Forge Games

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A high vantage point to get a view across the landscape

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Watch Tower - Imagination Forge Games - STL


A range of 3D printable buildings, Scenery and Miniatures from Imagination Forge Games. From the Hearnfast model set and editied by Digital Taxidermy.


This file set includes:

- Watch Tower base

- Watch Tower roof

- Watch Tower Platform 

- Watch Tower Ladder



The models have been designed by Imagination Forge Games, edited and distributed under license by Digital Taxidermy. 


These models are designed for 28mm tabletop gaming and take an approximate scale of 1/50.


This STL file set is designed for FDM Printers and is mostly supportless. 



The printed model measures approx.:

175mm x 180mm x 146mm @28mm Scale



These models are designed for 28mm tabletop and RPG games such as:

Dungeons & Dragons, Warhammer Fantasy Battle, Warhammer AOS, Frostgrave, pike and shotte, Confrontation, War of the Roses, Bolt Action, Song of Ice and Fire, Lord of the Rings, Runewars, Conquest, Oathmark, Marlborough's Wars, Malifaux, Banelegions, Kings of war.


If you wish to re-scale these files then see our blog post ‘A note on scales’ for more details


Some of the images supplied are computer generated and are for reference. They are images of the files that will be 3D printed.